Software Freedom Day

I always wanted to have my own blog ,but I used to give up the idea. 

But after the SFD (Software Freedom day) I know exactly what I should write in my blog. I wanted to talk about my knowledge that was a result to my last two years in Computer Science Department in Alexandria University and share the upcoming problems and difficulties and sharing their solutions with you.
I will start with ubuntu as I have just install it side by side with my vista and that wasn't as easy as most of people know, as I faced a completely new problem that I will tell you about in my next post.
And now what is the SFD ??
It is a kind of a celebration all over the world with the free software and open source software to know the difference between them check this link

I have attended the second version of it in Egypt in Alexandria. There were some sessions and contests that aim to tell us more about the free/open source software. I really enjoyed the event and it was very very useful.


  1. :D
    أيوه يا دودو .. و أنا إنجويد إنك كنتِ هناك مع إنك كنتِ بتكلمي ولاء و بتعطليها عن شغلها :P :P

  2. انا برضه ٠٠٠٠٠ انا كنت بغلس عليكم كلكم بالتساوي :D


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