Oracle DB

hi , now I began the new semester and one of my new courses is Database or DB.
For the lab work, I had to install Oracle 10g express edition then upgrade the Apex to Apex 4.0 and that wasn't really straight.

1. Install Oracle 10g Express Edition on Ubuntu:
- Go to the following link and download the appropriate version , I have chosen oracle-xe-universal.deb   click here
NOTE: you will need to sign up.

- Then, Open the downloaded package and click install package.
NOTE: this version need 1Gb swap area minimum so if error occurred about the swap size , the following terminal command increase swap area by 100 Mb
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swap bs=1M count=100
sudo mkswap /tmp/swap
sudo swapon /tmp/swap
then try again to install the package

- After installation , we need to configure the package ,so open the terminal and type the following
sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
and accept the defaults by pressing Enter , please accept the defaults as an advice from me.

- Finally you can browse to the Oracle DB and sign in as "system" with the password you type in configuration.

2- Upgrade to Apex 4.0:
next post isA.

good luck


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