
Hi all, I hope you are fine.
It has been a while since I wrote here. Today I wanna tell you about my new website "el72ny". I have been working on this idea since last October although I had it in my mind since July, just after Alexandria startup cup competition.
El72ny is a website and a mobile app that aims to help people in solving their problems by connecting to nearby experience people, How?

When you sign up for "el72ny", subscribe for categories that you are interested in. As long as you are interested in these categories, you probably have some experience in them. After you sign up you can:

- Check out old problems that happen nearby and matches your interests (They may still need help :D).
- You can also follow/chat nearby users with common interests.
- Finally you can checkout nearby places that matches your interests, they can be helpful.

When some one post a new problem, all nearby users interested in this new problem category are notified, so they can help as soon as possible. If you follow a user you get notified when they have a problem no matter where they are.

You can help users by commenting on their problems, chat with them or go and help them in person (They are so close to you :D ).

Here is the website : http://www.el72ny.com/
You can take a tour before sign up from here : http://www.el72ny.com/posts/home
The android app : http://www.el72ny.com/apk/el72ny_V.1.0.apk
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/el72ny
Twitter: https://twitter.com/El72ny


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